Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Cynthia Mitchell's Turn
Malizia - Ong Assignment
I was late getting admin rights on the blog.
I wanted to give the timeline to you in HTML format (Much prettier, no banner or gridlines), but found too late that my mouseovers wouldn't work without adding them to the code manually. So, here it is in Excel format.
My Argument Analysis is in Word.
Argument Analysis
I really loved this project. It was very useful for me to figure all this out and make all the mistakes I did.
Thanks for your patience with me, I am honored to be among you.
Elle's Ong Chart: take two
My link yesterday was not user-friendly, so I've pasted a new one below.
Nicholas Ware's Assignment One
My timeline is viewable at http://bit.ly/ihUHZY
while my chart is viewable at http://bit.ly/fbDCWb
-- Nicholas Ware
Monday, January 24, 2011
Learning & Writing in History
History of T&T: Ong & New Media Documentaries
This activity has been a labor of love...to say the least. I hope that everyone is able to access this prezi, and, more importantly, I hope that you are able to navigate through it without any problems. This is "prezi gone wild", but I like the disjointed, nonlinearity that it presents, so just continue clicking through, and it should become clear to you.
Ong, Literary Criticism, Comics, and whatever else I could find.
I followed many people's lead and made it a slide show. Enjoy!
Orality and Literacy, Visualized
Here is my chart/time line. Some of the material selected for inclusion represents my current interest in changing beliefs and practices related to memory.
Posting Orality and Literacy Assignment
I've uploaded the documents as pdf for your viewing pleasure. They might not be creative or graphically flashy, but these were more useful to help me organize my thoughts anyway.
Concept Chart
Orality-->Literacy-->Biotechnology (Preston)
Marcy's Ong Chart/Timeline
My timeline/chart is a pdf which may take a while to download, so please be patient. Follow the bookmarks to navigate the timeline and images. Follow this link for my works cited.
thank you,
Terie's Ong Chart and Timeline
Please enjoy my timeline and my primitive chart. Just in case these files don't expand, I will put the original files in webcourses.
Kyle's Ong Chart
This is as good as it's going to get. Quite imperfect, but Leandra’s advice to add headers and the graphic inspiration from all of you helped a lot. Then I realized I needed a URL, and Google Docs lost my headers. So [wah wah] here's the link to Dropbox, but you'll still have to click on KyleOng when you get there.
Jen W.'s Chart and Timeline
My first chart analyzes the predictions made by prominent thinkers on the cusp of their changing worlds/ideologies regarding orality, print, electracy, and posthumanism. My second chart analyzes the similarities and differences between primary and secondary orality.
My timeline brings together important dates from Ong's work and important dates from trans-gendered history to show the concurrence of the use of print and then digital technology to enable first visibility and finally the positive social action that can come from this visibility for trans people.
See my chart here:
Check out my timeline here:
My Works Cited:
Ong and Comics; Briefly Charting Synchronic and Diachronic History
Interacting with Genre Fiction: Irene L. Pynn
(Please note: there is a column of links on the right side of this page that will not work. Not to worry; they're for something else entirely).
Elle's Ong Chart
My chart/timeline can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/home#::: [I hope anyway--submitting work is usually much easier than doing the work.]
Elle O'Keeffe
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ong and Disability Access to Education
My focus for this was looking at how Ong's ideas fit in with access to education for students with disability. I found that I got lost in the history of the assistive technologies. I want to look more in to how oral culture was beneficial for the blind. I also found that there isn't a lot of research done on those with disabilities pre 1800's, they seem to be ostracized and viewed as "dumb." I'd like to look in to this a lot more. As for Ong I tried to relate his modes of communication with the assistive technologies they forced the creation of, and the political and legal ramifications of these technologies.
I'm looking forward to your input.
Krista Domin
Dan's Combined Chart and Timeline
I really enjoyed plotting the points in 2D space, but fitting so much data on a screen was difficult. I tried to visualize it on a large white board and replicate that in the Prezi work space. Studying how Ong chose his sources and where he placed them helped me understand the references to Hayden White in Dr. Saper's lectures as well as make connections to my own research.
Those of you who've posted your drafts and final projects have done a wonderful job! I love the diversity both in content and presentation! Thanks for your feedback and comments.
Ong and Markup
I have to preface this with a note that I'm not really proficient with Blogger (or blogs in general); it looks like I can't attach my file directly to this post. Instead, I'll have to ask everyone to download it from my Dropbox here. It's not a traditional presentation in that it doesn't go from beginning slide to end slide; instead, from the timeline slide, you can use your pointer to click on pictures to go to specific categories/time periods (e.g., literacy or secondary orality) out of order, if you wish.
My topic deals with markup, or the practice of making explicit interpretations about a text, in relation to Ong's modes of communications. In particular, I've noted how each mode (orality, literacy, and electracy, to borrow Ulmer's term) has correlating forms of markup.
Please enjoy, and comments are welcome!
- Will
Timeline + Chart

Music as a Text or Thing: How Does Music Fit In With the Development of Writing?
- As you can see, this is a simple visual representation Walter Ong’s argument in Orality & Literacy. There are some neat correlations with the history of music notation/storage and the history of writing. The same impulses that caused people to write down spoken words and make visual representations of them are the same that led humans to create musical notation and compositions. Like with writing, music could become more complex and layered once notation was developed & standardized. In short, how we consciously understand music was also reshaped by writing.
- Outside of highbrow culture, which in the West was based on written musical compositions; a great deal of music remained oral. It was learned, imitated and passed on orally. Ong might call this “oral residue.” The modern “discovery” of oral cultures in the early twentieth century that Ong details coincides with the technological development of sophisticated field recording techniques, and the rise of music recording in general. So, it’s no accident that academics and intellectuals like Harry Smith, J.A. Lomax and his son, Alan, were interested in preserving, collecting, compiling, printing, recording, anthologizing and archiving folk music which had never been transcribed or collected for a mass audience. Think about the folk songs that you know. No doubt that you learned them from recordings, sheet music or some other way that was the result of them being transcribed. Thus, they became standardized and lost many of the regional variations that they once had when they were only orally transmitted. So, through the process of recording and transcription, even folk music became secondarily oral.
- Part of the appeal of the 1952 Anthology of American Folk Music is that to many people, it represented a world that no longer existed, even though many of the recordings had been made only 20-25 years prior to its release – listeners heard the “old, weird America” that had given way to the present era of industrialization, mass culture and post-war consumerism. Like the argument that Ong makes about the book, the recording also creates a sense of “closure.” Similar to the book, a sound recording is also a world unto itself.
- In 1964, the pianist Glenn Gould quit public performance to concentrate on recording. He had already predicted the death of the public performance, and anticipated that electronic media would take its place. One of the benefits was the prospect of “archival recording.” As recording companies demanded more product and as storage capabilities improved, there was a greater demand for the complete works of a given composer. A musician could interpret a work, record it, and shelf it without having to commit it to memory for performance. The machinery of the studio acted as a memory aid or extension of the artist himself, freeing him to explore a wider repertoire, much like Ong argues that writing allowed for a greater degree of introspection and exploration of new ideas.